
An RPG without a menu is like a restaurant without a … menu.

To that end our game is going to require menu popups, than can be opened or closed on demand. The menu presence on screen needs to be modest and unassuming, so you can keep the main screen mostly free for running away from things while screaming. Stacked menus are the way to go, with a big shiny button to close or open everything at once.

Of utmost importance is the inventory screen, where you will hoard your modest collection of stuff. Also a Stats screen where you can increase your various lowly skills. A Map – sure, we’ll stick in one of those too. A Radar? Why not – it’s only my precious coding time you’re wasting.

map stats_empty

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The inventory screen currently contains a vast number of rocks. Rocks seem to be a staple of this particular genre, and I’m happy to slavishly follow the trend. Of course by the time the game is made, these may have changed to Future Rocks, Space Cubes, Robo Parts or somesuch sci-fi shenanigans.

inv system


After much swearing and weeping I’ve convinced the inventory to handle useful tasks like stacking items of a similar type, and all the usual things like transferring items to the world, activating health packs and making sure you don’t put a rock in your gun slot. Madam. There are also tons of multi-function buttons, so you can track armour values, total stamina or go to a full screen scrolling map, depending on preference. We can even handle touch screen, mouse or buttons. I’m a people pleaser.

One last addition – a comms channel. This keeps a record of all the text and dialogue you encounter, plus it features doorpad hacking facilities that I have no idea how to implement yet. So there’s that.


Can you see any signs that I’m overusing the one texture pack I bought? No, you cannot. You’re just happy to be here, reading out-of-copyright quotes from Ernest Hemingway

In many RPGS, especially those from our friends in Japan, it is quite easy to lose track of your next objective. The comms screen will remember your most recent conversations and directions, which should prove handy if you’ve recently taken a blow to the head.

As an aside, note the out-of-date ocean, which I will soon be updating with something slightly less polluted.

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